Let’s make connections safer
A safe working environment
Installation of conventional heavy loaded bolted L-flanges, such as those found at the interface between monopiles and transition pieces and between foundations and towers is at odds with the HSE regulations on maximum allowable weights to be lifted.
Bolt assemblies are often above the allowable weight limit as are the tools that are required to torque or tension them. In many cases workers are present below suspended loads for the alignment of the bolt holes which is inherently unsafe.
The C1 Wedge Connection™ addresses these issues by keeping all components and tools below the allowable safe weight limits, ensuring safe and fast installation.
Design of a connection with safety in mind
Safety is key
Creating a safe working environment
The alignment of the C1 Wedge Connection™ does not require for people to be below suspended or hooked-on loads.
No lifting of components is needed, since all fasteners are pre-placed on the flanges. They are pushed in horizontally once the tower has been securely quick-connected to the foundation.
This makes the C1 Wedge Connection™ the safe alternative for heavy loaded bolted connections.

More benefits
Simple to design
The design is typically governed by the overturning moment and the diameter of the connection.
Cost Effective
The slender design of the high capacity connection and fast installation allows a reduction of CAPEX.
Maintenance free
The C1 Wedge Connection™ is designed to be maintenance free due reduced sensitivity to preload loss.