C1 Connections releases the C1 Wedge Connection design tool.

The Connections has developed an analytical design tool. This tool enables anyone to make a design for a C1 Wedge Connection with only a few input variables. 

C1 Connections has validated the design tool for various load cases to ensure users are presented with designs that can withstand both ULS and FLS load cases. Imperfections, such as flatness deviations from fabrication are also taken into account.

The design tool can be accessed here: designtool.c1connections.com.

A user account can be requested by contacting us at: contact@c1connections.com.

C1 Wedge Connection Design Tool

About C1 Connections B.V.

C1 Connections BV is a Dutch privately-owned company dedicated to developing and commercially exploiting the C1 Wedge Connection™. C1 Connections BV strives to deploy the C1 Wedge Connection™ as the future standard for highly loaded connections in off- and onshore wind projects.


For more information on the C1 Wedge Connection™, please contact:

Jasper Winkes

+31 6 27367351



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